Monday, December 10, 2007

Commentary: "Private Prisons"

Wow, I didn’t even know that there was such a thing as privatization of prisons. It’s definitely a shock to find this out and of course I agree with the major points made in the article. It is hypocritical for America to declare a so called war on crime but yet allow others to profit from that same issue. It’s an incentive to place a greater amount of people in prison. Of course, it also adds to the never ending discrimination against minorities because—let’s be honest-- they are more prone to be sentenced to jail time. If anything, these corporations should seek out and fund groups that are making an effort to lower crime in their communities rather than make a coorporate profit out of it.


cdro said...

Response to the fourth amendment

I agree with Sarah, the Bush Administration has gone too far. This can only keep on escalating, congress needs to man up and do something about it before everbodys privacy is invaded. The reason our founding fathers wrote the Fourth Amendment is to protect citizens from the government. I think what the bush administration is doing is a slap to the founding fathers. In addition, people need to start paying more attention to what our government is doing and stop being distracted with what celebrities are doing. Finally, in my opinion the Bush Administration has abused the powers it was given and its time to take them back.

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