Thursday, September 20, 2007

Millions for Community College Funding

This past June Governor Rick Perry vetoed a proposal for $154 million in state funding for community colleges. “In response to the veto, Austin Community College has increased student fees by $2 per credit hour and cut $2.2 million from its budget.” According to Ken Armbrister, Perry did believe that a large portion of the vetoed money should be spent on colleges. However, “the rules that govern vetoes” didn’t allow keeping a single portion of the money.

Apparently, several meetings have been held not only to recover the $154 million but an additional $50 million aimed to be spent on financial aid. From what I understood there are still several issues to be discussed in order to come up with the means to provide colleges with supplemental funding. I obviously consider this article worth reading because it has affected us as college students. In fact, ACC’s president, Stephen Kinslow, confirmed that fees would decrease once more if the school was indeed granted higher finance.

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