Wednesday, October 17, 2007


In his article, “Protect the American Dream,” Ruben Navarette brings up one of the most controversial issues of the time, illegal immigrants. He expresses his support for the DREAM act “that would give illegal immigrant the chance to become legal but require that those who receive such a privileged give back quite a bit in return.”

The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, better known as the DREAM act, is a bill formulated to allow immigrant students and military hopefuls an opportunity of gaining citizenship. To qualify the individual must prove that he/she has lived in the United States for at least five years and arrived at an age of 15 or younger. Also required in the bill are a minimum two years of college and a clean criminal record among other conditions.

I agree with the editor’s statement that, “It offers something precious--the right to stay in the United States legally—but it isn’t bashful about demanding certain things in return.” The standards set in the act assure that the person benefited by it does indeed have good moral standing and intends to acquire an education, which will eventually benefit the community as a whole. There is already an incredible amount of undocumented students with college degrees, by passing the bill they will be allowed to enter the work force and actually give back to society.

Lets be honest, most Americans are still indecisive about the subject, and putting it off to the side is not solving anything. Why not allow these student the same opportunity as ordinary citizens to obtain the “American dream”.

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